3. K・サリンジャー 10/10(火) 08:11:57 No.20231010081157-3 
RFK Jr.ですが、無所属で立候補するようです!
JFKクラブジャパン特別報道官 K・サリンジャー
2. 徳永詔一郎 3/13(月) 18:06:22 No.20231010081157-2 
You are vital to Bobby's decision to run. Contribute your thoughts below to help him make this crucial choice.
Your voice could change history.
I believe Bobby should be President of the United States.
I'm interested in learning more about Bobby's vision as President of the United States.
1. 徳永詔一郎 3/11(土) 20:58:07 No.20231010081157-1 
RFK Jr.がtwitterに投稿しました。
Help me decide whether to run for President. Visit TeamKennedy.com to volunteer or contribute. If it looks like I can raise the money and mobilize enough people to win, I’ll jump in the race. If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children, and robbed us of our values and freedoms. Together we can restore America's democracy