RFK Jr.の大統領選出馬について |
徳永詔一郎 |
3/17(金) 22:27:08 No.20230329081341  |
One of the reasons I’m thinking about running for President is to bridge the toxic polarization that divides Republicans and Democrats allowing elites to capture our government and plunder our country. They have transformed the world’s model democracy into a corporate kleptocracy — the corrupt merger of State and Corporate power.
Please help me with this decision by visiting TeamKennedy.com to volunteer or contribute. If it looks like I can raise the money and mobilize enough people to win, I’ll jump in the race.
1. 徳永詔一郎 3/29(水) 08:13:41 No.20230329081341-1 
RFK Jr.がバイデンとファウチを提訴しました。検閲して言論の自由に違反したと。
Breaking: RFK, Jr. and CHD Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense on Friday filed a class action lawsuit against President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials and federal agencies, alleging they “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” to compel the nation’s three largest social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.